5839(III)_ADMA growth around the EAO Region: new and young membership

by ceteratolle posted Jul 25, 2022


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       EAO, 25 July 2022 -- Since the Second EAO ADMA (Association of Mary Help of Christians) Congress in September 2021 we see a consistent and enthusiastic growth of this important Salesian Family group - ADMA - around East Asia-Oceania countries. We see new groups, new aspirants, new ADMA Youth and also the first ADMA members in some countries, like Pakistan (FIS province) and Solomon Islands (PGS Vice-province). Probably the 3 key words are Growth - Youth - Formation. After the 2021 EAO ADMA Congress Fr Godofredo Atienza (former provincial of FIS) was appointed as Spiritual Animator regional coordinator, and many SDB and FMA were inspired in their task of accompaniment at local or province level. With less pandemic restrictions of movement and gathering, also Timor Leste ADMA is preparing for their (October 2022) National Congress.

       Here are some concrete signs of ADMA's charismatic growth around the EAO region in recent days:

       Philippines North (FIN) recently held the Philippines national ADMA leadership formation (Manila, July 16) with SDB and FMA spiritual animators present. The aim was to strengthen the basic convictions and identity of the respective Center (chapter) leaders around the country.

       Philippines South (FIS) ADMA leadership is accompanying a new growing center in Olango island, with a majority of ADMA Youth members. With the animation and formation from ADMA leadership - both lay leaders and SDB provincial spiritual animator, Fr Godofredo Atienza. This new center is among the few ADMA gatherings far from any SDB or FMA communities, a true 'ADMA missionary experience'.

       Timor Leste (TLS) ADMA Youth is growing. Recently also the Venilale ADMA center has been sharing their Youth ADMA members in formation. Within the context of the large 900+ membership in East Timor - mostly senior members - the presence of Youth groups has a strong inspirational impact. FMA spiritual animator, Sr Caroline, is always available.

       Papua New Guinea (PGS) ADMA Youth formation in Port Moresby with the 2nd session animated by Sr Alice Fulgencio, FMA - their spiritual animator.

       South Korea (KOR) ADMA centers growing with more communion and new aspirants starting their formation, both in Gwangju and Seoul centers. With the newly appointed SDB and FMA spiritual animators and supported by both provincials, there is a bright future.

       Thailand (THA) ADMA center in Bangkok with an ongoing formation and apostolate, accompanied with consistent patience by Fr. Aaron Alcoseba and the center lay leaders.

       Devotion to Mary as Help of Christians is a common treasure of the whole Salesian Family. Beside the ADMA central website, since 2023 the new international website dedicated to Mary Help of Christians has become active and open to all 32 Salesian Family groups: https://ausiliatrice.org (so far only in Italian). According to the ADMA World Spiritual Animator, Fr Alejandro Guevara, SDB (based in Valdocco, Turin-Italy): “This new space is meant to be a simple way to thank God for the great gift he has given us in the Blessed Virgin Mary, making us all children of Mary; it is an opportunity to renew our Marian devotion, received and transmitted in the style of Don Bosco, and also an invitation to gather around She who gathers us and brings us together.”














