5737(III)_Don Bosco Portrait Drawn With The Name Of Don Bosco

by ceteratolle posted Nov 26, 2021


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By Augustine DoPhuc, SDB

       Tan Tien, BaoLoc, VietNam, 21 November 2021 -- Every year, following the tradition of respecting teachers, Tan Tien Vocational College often organizes emulation activities in preparation for Vietnam Teachers' Day November 20. Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, students have to study online, so this year the main form of competition is to make wall newspapers. There are many poems, texts, songs, experiences or very meaningful and creative tiktok videos and clips about teachers that have been sent to the organizers. But one of the most outstanding works is a portrait of Don Bosco by Nguyen Thanh Long - a sudent of Accounting class no. 6. This is a creative drawing of Don Bosco, drawn by using the words “Don Bosco”, “Parents and Teachers” and the name of a close friend of the author.

       The young student said that he had decided to draw a picture of Don Bosco with those words because they have a very important meaning in his life. He shared:

       “The first words I chose was “Don Bosco”. Because I want to thank him and Fathers, Sisters and Teachers who have been bright stars that guide me and other young people to shining paths not as dark as before. The second words are “Parents and Teachers”. This is an expression of my gratitude to Parents and Teachers for the merits of birth and education. And the third word is the name of a close friend. With the hope that Don Bosco will be the one to connect and prove my promise and heart to that friend. I want to thank that friend for always being with me in every situation, giving me the will to overcome everything and giving me beautiful memories.”

       This painting has won the Excellent prize in the contest “Gratitude to the ferryman” of Tan Tien Vocational High School in the school year 2021 – 2022 (in Vietnam a teacher is compared with a ferryman who acts as a mediator to bring generations of students to new horizons).



