3723(II)_Parabens Dom Bosco : Conclusion of the bicentennary celebrations Timor style

by ceteratolle posted Aug 30, 2015


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By Fr. Ramoncito A. Padilla, SDB

Dili, Timor East, August 29, 2015 - The Conclusion of 200th Year Anniversary of Don Bosco’s Birth was celebrated in an extra-ordinary manner in the ITM (Indonesia-Timor) Vice-Province of St. Callistus Caravario. To crown and conclude all the events of the Bicentennary Year, a Solemn Eucharistic Sacrifice was celebrated on the 29th of August 2015 in the Courtyard of the Parish Church of Mary Help of Christians in Comoro, Dili (since the church was not big enough to accommodate the large number of people, around 3500 to 4000 strong), as a thanksgiving to the Lord with the Apostolic Administrator of Dili, Msgr. Basilio do Nascimento, as Main Celebrant, and as many as 50 priests, including the Secretary of the Papal Nuncio, concelebrating. The young Confreres of the St. Francis of Sales House of Philosophy (Postnovitiate) prepared and animated the liturgical celebration in honor of St. John Bosco and the Choir and Orchestra of our St. Peter’s School, conducted by Fr. Aderito da Costa, Director of the School, made the liturgy more solemn and appealing with their songs and music. The Provincial, Fr. Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, delivered a beautiful homily citing how, in God’s wonderful Providence, and with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Don Bosco, starting with the boys like Bartholomew Garelli and Michael Magone, began his now world-wide work for young people.

Almost all the Groups of the Salesian Family were represented in the Mass, and many more young people from the Salesian schools all over Timor came for the occasion. Noteworthy also was the hundreds of people who lined up for the reception of Holy Communion. It will be important to stress too that the 200th Birth Anniversary of Don Bosco coincided with the celebration of the 500th Year of the Christianization of East Timor. The Bicentennary was also prepared spiritually, especially in our Centers and missionary stations.

Also present for the Concluding Celebration were some Salesians from the Delegation of Indonesia: Fr. Lino Belo (Provincial Delegate) and three other priests.

A grand lunch and fraternal agape, especially for the Bishop and all the invited guests, was prepared by the Salesian Cooperators in the Blessed Artimedes Zatti Post-Novitiate (House of Philosophy). All the other people who came had a good meal with the Salesians, too. So, after the liturgical celebration, it was also a real celebration at table, in which everyone had a taste of the most delicious food that can be served only in East Timor, and also of that family togetherness typical of the Salesian Family. Many Past Pupils said that they had a not to be forgotten reunion with their old mentors.

After lunch, everyone was invited to view the EXPO DON BOSCO 2015 in the football field of the Don Bosco Technical Center, also in Comoro, Dili, prepared by the Salesian Past Pupils and Salesian Technical Schools. Furnitures, electrical gadgets, electronic products and religious articles coming from our schools were sold for reasonable prices. There were also exhibits of old publications and artifacts.

At about 15.00 in the afternoon, the President of the Democratic Republic of East Timor, His Excellency Pres. Matan Ruak, came to congratulate the Salesians and celebrate with them Don Bosco’s 200th birthday. He was brought to the gymnasium of Don Bosco Technical Center where the Salesian Youth Movement, under the Direction of a Past Pupil, presented a Musical on the Oratory of Don Bosco. The St. Peter School’s Orchestra and Choir also presented several numbers for the program. After the Program, the last activity of the day, Fr. Provincial thanked everyone who made the Bicentennary of Don Bosco’s Birth a success, and all those who came for the Concluding Celebration of the Feast, especially the President and the Bishop. The Provincial also expressed his gratitude to all the Salesian Missionaries who had come to Timor Leste to spread Don Bosco’s charism and mission for the young. The Bishop also expressed his gratitude and joy because of Don Bosco’s presence in Timor. He said that Don Bosco was truly a genius, who even with his simplicity and great love was able to bring joy and education to many young people everywhere. The President of the Republic also was given the opportunity to speak, and besides expressing his gratitude for Don Bosco’s work for the young people of the land, promised the Government’s encouragement and support for whatever project that the Salesians might have. The President of a Roofing Industry of the Rotary Club of Australia also spoke of his admiration of Don Bosco and his Salesians’ work particularly in Australia and East Timor. Later in the afternoon, he signed a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Provincial of the ITM Province for the use of their product and whatever support the Roofing Company can offer for the Salesians’ work for the young in the Country.

All the activities for the Bicentennary Celebrations ended late in the afternoon at around 17.30 hrs. Each one went back to his own place of origin, happy to know that he/she has a great saint and intercessor in heaven in the person of St. John Bosco, the Father and Teacher of Youth. The Bicentennary was truly an event never to be forgotten.




