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By Fr. Peter Chính, SDB

Xuan Hiep, Vietnam, August 15, 2015 - On Saturday morning August 15 2015 at 8:00 AM, the feastday of Lady of Assumption, the mass of perpetual profession of 8 clerics of Rinaldi formation house was held solemnly at Xuan Hiep church, Thu Duc district, HMC city.

Fr. Joseph Nguyen Van Quang, the provincial of St. John Bosco province in Viet Nam, presided the mass with about 70 concelebrants of Salesian and diocesan priests. Present at the mass were the representatives of the members of Salesian family, religious, parents, relatives, friends of the clerics who professed. The total number is about 750. The choir “Mary Help of Christians” of the past pupils was responsible for the animation of the ceremonial services.

In the homily, Fr. Joseph called everyone to think of the grace of christian vocation and mission: the witness of Jesus Christ’s Love and his Gospel. This is the mission of the whole Church and of each christian in the world. Of course it must be more clearly expressed in the vocation and life of the one who consecrated himself to God. The example of belonging totally to God is Mary who dedicated herself to be the true witness of God’s love in her quiet but deep life. Fr. Joseph called each professed to try his best to live the witness by committing himself to the mission entrusted by God to the Salesian Congregation according to the charism of Don Bosco.

After the homily of the provincial was the ceremony of the perpetual profession of 8 clerics and the receiving of the Holy Cross of Good Shepherd, symbolizing the total belonging to God and to the young in the Salesian mission.

Eight clerics are:

  1. Cl. Joseph Phan Trung Hoan
  2. Cl. Peter Truong Van Hoan
  3. Cl. Joseph Vu Duc Huan
  4. Cl. JB. Hoang Minh Thanh
  5. Cl. John Paul Tran Anh Tien
  6. Cl. Peter Le Van Trung
  7. Cl. Joseph Phan Anh Tuan
  8. Cl. Joseph Nguyen Quang Vinh

Besides, at 6:00 AM of Friday morning August 14 2015, the mass of first profession was also held at Ba Thon church. The provincial, Fr. Joseph Nguyen Van Quang, presided the mass with 60 concelebrants of Salesian and diocesan priests. Nine novices took their first vows in the Salesian Congregation, among them was one ethnic of K’Ho tribe. During the past years, there were some new ethnic confreres who professed. Those are the results of the Salesian mission among the ethnic minority of K’Ho during many years of living and working with them.

Nine new confreres of the province are:

  1. Paul Le Quoc Bao
  2. Peter Vu Duc Duy
  3. John K’Chin
  4. Dominic Do Dang Khoa
  5. John Nguyen Mai Dang Khoa
  6. Peter Pham Tan Luc
  7. Peter Tran Van Mao
  8. JB. Mai Tran Tien Phat
  9. Joseph Tran Viet Phuong






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