Alayaw para San Juan Bosco

by Fr Gaudencio posted Feb 22, 2019


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By Fr Gaudencio Carandang, Jr, SDB

Tondo Manila, the Philippines, 2 February 2019 -- The annual St John Bosco fiesta is one of the most-awaited events in the district of Tondo, Philippines. The Alayaw Festival has become popular, “Alay Sayaw” para kay San Juan Bosco (Dance Offering for Saint John Bosco). It is the last festival celebration followed by the “Lakbayaw” Festival of Sto. Nino de Tondo and the “Espada” Festival of San Pablo Apostol.

This event highlights the yearly fiesta celebration of Don Bosco in Tondo. The street dancing event mostly involves young people from the "barangays" and some groups around the district. It began in the early morning with the “bisperas” of the fiesta and the whole morning parade set the joyful and excited scene, the popular mood. Winners are awarded afterwards with trophies and cash but most important of all is the joy that comes from venerating the Saint of Youth that Tondonians love so dearly and honor so solemnly. Chanting at the top of their voice, “VIVA DON BOSCO!” was heard all around the place, signifying the affection for our “Santo Patron”.

The evening mass was jam-packed with people in all walks of life joining together our Bosconians, Alumni, Youth, Parishioners and Salesians. The grand mass was followed by a solemn procession with “karakol” around the vicinity of the parish and people lining the street and prayerfully looking on and waving their hands as the image of San Juan Bosco passed their places and houses.

Undoubtedly, the people of Tondo love this Father and Friend of the Young, for in one way or another a man named Saint John Bosco touched their lives and changed it beyond their expectations.


