4855(IV)_Following the Lord’s call the Don Bosco way

by ceteratolle posted Sep 19, 2018


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Sr. Augusta's vocation story

By Sr. Augusta Gaglu

Port Moresby, PNG, 18 September 2018 -- In 2014, I was accepted to attend Don Bosco Technological Institute and was housed with the Salesian Sisters. My stay there taught me a lot about Don Bosco and the Salesians. One day I watched the film: “Mission to Love.” The life of Don Bosco has been a struggle, yet he followed the Lords call. He cared for the poor and abandoned young boys and founded a congregation to care for them. The movie has touched me so much.

I recall my own struggle to follow the Lord’s call. In 2001, I went through a tough decision. My parents wanted me to marry to a young man ready with the bride price. I prayed earnestly and with tears in my eyes begged the Lord to lead and guide me. And He did. I had the courage to say ‘No’ to the man and stood firm with my decision. My parents were disappointed. My father rejected me. However, my desire to serve God was strengthened.

As a sister of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart and also a Bosconian, I help promote vocations to the Salesian Congregation. I have the joy to encourage young men to be Salesians because I believe that they work to touch the lives of all our young people. I invite the Salesians to give retreats and speak about vocations to our young people.

May Don Bosco guide and bless us always.


