
4510(II)_'Educating to fraternal humanism'

by ceteratolle posted Oct 01, 2017


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Building a civilization of love, 50 years after Populorum progressio:

guidelines for Catholic educational institutions from the Holy See


By Our Own Correspondent


Vatican -- On September 25th, the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education released finally the Guidelines 'Educating to fraternal humanity' (Building a civilization of love, 50 years after the Encyclical Populorum Progressio of Paul VI).


This short and clear motivation is addressed first of all to all Catholic education institutions. In the present world situation where the solidarity is often overshadowed by personal, group or local interest this Guidelines invite to a wider horizon of world wide fraternity.


Basic principle - need is expressed at the beginning of this 7 chapter document:


"It is ironic that modern man has achieved important goals in knowing the forces of nature, science and technology and, at the same time, is lacking in ideas for adequate coexistence within society so as to give everyone an acceptable and dignified existence. What perhaps has been missing so far is the joint development of civic opportunities with an educational plan that promotes the reasons for cooperation in a united world."


Main items suggested are grouped around Humanizing education (chapter 2), A culture of dialogue (chapter 3), Globalizing hope (chapter 4), Working for a true inclusion (chapter 5) and Building cooperation networks (chapter 6).


This brief inspirational guidelines should be in hands of all Salesian educators, parents, and our Lay Mission Partners, since it does offer a clear, integral way of building the civilization of Love, dreamt since the times of Blessed Pope Paul VI during the Vatican II Council.


Let's make it know and take it for our Education - Pastoral Communities formation and planning in all 23 countries of our East Asia - Oceania Region.


Full text of the Guidelines: BOSCOLINK (ENG, ITA)





