4471(II)_"SDB and FMA together for the young is the best initial proclamation

by ceteratolle posted Aug 18, 2017


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Initial Proclamation: Focus on the Salesian hearts (IV)

By Our Own Correspondent

Sam Phran, Thailand, 17 August 2017 -- The fourth full day (August 17) of the Missionary Animation and Formation Seminar on Initial Proclamation and the Salesian Mission (Sam Phran, Thailand, August 14-20) was a time of 'final' clarifications about what does the Initial Proclamation really mean for the Salesian Family. Morning Lectio divina of Sr. Mario Ko, FMA and vibrant interactions in groups and in the assembly during the day help to grasp the essence of the Initial Proclamation.

Most of the time was spent in seven mixed working groups of SDB-FMA challenged by different questions: How can we bring out a true pastoral conversion as expressed by Pope Francis for an effective Initial Proclamation in the Asian context? Suggest three ways that can set fire in the hearts of the Salesians (SDB-FMA) to continue to live the one educational passion? After each group sharing there is an Assembly sharing done in creative ways with song, short drama, action song, power point, short video clip prepared during the day.

The participants recognize what is the Initial proclamation and what is not. Some convictions and paradigms are emerging on the way:

  • Initial proclamation is not done by us. Main agent is the Jesus and His Spirit. We are just preparing the ground, removing obstacles on His way.

  • We try to identify the 'attraction chain' that stirs the interest in the person of Jesus: through

  • We are called to create a favourable environment and personal relationship

  • We need to focus on the hearts of the SDB, FMA and our Lay Mission partners

Most of the valuable materials are available on the Boscolink, including also the short daily video clips made by Art. 43 of Sri Lanka (LKC Vice-province) social communications.

The Good Night Talk on August 17 by Sr. Alaide Deretti, FMA General Councilor for the Missions was concluded with the following words: "SDB and FMA together for the young is the best initial proclamation that we can offer to the young people and the persons whom we meet each day".

Initial Proclamation - Seminar short video clips on the Youtube (by Art.43 - Sri Lanka)

Related posters on initial proclamation (main points)

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