
4465(II)_Don Bosco Foundation of Cambodia Finalized Adjustment The School Curriculum

by ceteratolle posted Aug 13, 2017


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By Mr. Ouch Sambo

Sihanoukville, Cambodia, 11 August 2017 -- The representatives of Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville and Kep were gathering yesterday for a meeting on the School Curriculum which was held at the Don Bosco Hotel School of Sihanoukville from 2:00 PM to 4:40 PM.

Before starting the discussion, Fr. Eugene Xalco, Rector of Sihanoukville community, was giving a motivation talk on how important it is the Cambodia common school curriculum. We are family and we are together, hence our curriculum must be the same standard one. He also motivated to all the managers of each department, like Mechanical, Electrical, Automotive, Secretarial, Administration, Social Communication, IT and Hospitality departments to achieve joyfully the curriculum adjustment with a good quality.

Then followed a presentation by Mr. Pang Poty, deputy headmaster of Don Bosco Phnom Penh of a sample standard curriculum to all the participants for workshop before the adjustment in each respective school and department.

Then, each group was divided and gathered for the discussion on their department curriculum until 3:40 PM. When they finalized, they made a short presentation to Fr. Charles Michael, who was the facilitator of this meeting and Mr. Pang Poty deputy headmaster of Don Bosco Phnom Penh, Mr. Ouch Sambo headmaster of Don Bosco Sihanoukville and Mr. Pov Tula headmaster of Don Bosco Kep City who were moderators the meeting.

All participants were happy with the fruits of this working meeting. In the Delegation of Cambodia there are seven Don Bosco schools, most of them with a technical education. There is a strong need to continue the adjustment and standardization of our school system to the fast changing situation of Cambodia.

