4350(II)_Easter Journey with the Youth at Risk

by ceteratolle posted Apr 17, 2017


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Don Bosco Dong Thuan - the most beloved youth of Don Bosco are here!

By Our Own Correspondent

Dong Thuan, Vietnam, 16 April 2017 -- Twelve Salesians and 3 FMA Sisters of Dong Thuan Vocation Training Center (Opened in 2004, Rector Fr. Thomas Vu Kim Long) journey with 145 boys and girls - most of them are boarders. Coming from many provinces of Vietnam, and usually labelled as 'hopeless' kids, our students are raising up with Don Bosco again. Young people from broken or dysfunctional families, ethnic minority youth, school drop outs and youngsters with a variety of addiction find here their home and launching pad!

Daily life in Don Bosco is quite busy - morning Eucharist, breakfast, chores within the large compound of 2.7 hectars. During the morning session our trainees are busy in 6 different workshops and in the aftrenoon follow until 4 PM the academic program necessary for their future life (grade 9-12). The rest of the day is also filled up with sports, study, prayers and other group activities.

Among the main education challenges is usually a low self-esteem, lack of family care and different addictions. And the close presence of assisting Salesians bring to live wonderful creativity of Don Bosco Preventive System. For example after the start of this school year 2016-17 our 4 Salesian practical trainees struggled with the heavy smoking students. And so during past three months was launched very successful 'Stop-smoking-Club' with a participation of 45 boys. After one month of awareness campaign now all of them are happy and proud to stop smoking. One little victory after another - stop swearing, volunteer service experience and other hurdles are on the journey.

Most of Don Bosco's 33 educators (8 technical instructors and 25 academic part teachers) share the same reason for their joy to work in this Training Center: 'We are touching daily the life-change and transformation of so many lives of difficult youth make them happy and gives energy to fully commit to their education.'

Don Bosco is not yet much known in this most Southern part of Vietnam, so the Salesians try to reach out to the local people and youth with many different programs. There is a clean drinking water supply, housing program for poor people in the neigbourhood and especially with a newly open daily Oratory activities with sports, music, tournaments and language class. Indeed for the life transformation of our difficult youth we need a large movement of people!

Jesus Christ is Risen from the death and his victory shows us the Way to raising of many youth around the world!











