4242_Happy New Year 2017! Rooster Year

by ceteratolle posted Jan 01, 2017


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We are family! Every home, school of Life and Love.

By Fr. Vaclav Klement, SDB

EAO, 1 January 2017 -- Meanwhile we celebrate the year 2017 (Anno Domini – AD), the Buddhist Calendar writes year 2561, the Islamic Calendar year 1438, the Chinese calendar 4714, the Korean calendar 4350 and the Javanese calendar 1950. The United Nations General Assembly has adopted 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.

The 2017 is celebrated in the East Asia as the (Fire) Rooster Year, and in the EAO region as the 90th anniversary of the first Salesian presence in Thailand. For the Oceania part of our Region 2017 marks start of Pacific Delegation (Samoa-Fiji-New Zealand) with an opening of its first Salesian apostolic work - Parish in Suva, Fiji Islands. And next November 7 we celebrate the 20th anniversary of our AustraLasia news services!

As every New Year timetable also AD 2017 offers in the Congregation many occasions for common growth of the Salesian Charism thanks to the dynamics of mutual sharing and exchange. The 2017 Strenna of the Rector Major ‘We are family!’ invites us to foster each home as a school of Life and Love. The Preventive System of Don Bosco tells us that we can harvest from each opportunity as much as we prepare it well.

We are glad to welcome again the Rector Major in our Region:

  • February 20-27 in VIE province (Vietnam)
  • March 6 in THA province (Thailand)
  • March 7-10 in Hua Hin, Thailand for the EAO Team Visit (Mar 11 – Provincials)

We are glad to share the wisdom with all General Councilor for the sectors:

  • February: CIN, ITM and PGS, animation visit of Missions Councilor
  • Mar 7-10: THA, Hua Hin with all General Councilors during 4 days Team Visit
  • Mar 11: THA, Hua Hin (Provincial Economers with Br. Jean Paul Muller)
  • August: VIE, animation visit of Youth Ministry Councilor
  • Nov 11-14: VIE (Youth ministry delegates with Youth Ministry Councilor)
  • Nov 11-14: VIE (Social communication delegates with SC Councilor)
  • Nov 13-15: MYM (Formation delegates with the Formation Councilor)

Two provinces will benefit from the animation of Extraordinary Visitation:

  • Feb 3 – May 6: VIE province (Vietnam - Mongolia)
  • Aug 26 – Oct 31: KOR province (Korea)

There will be consultation for a new Provincial:

  • May 22-June 3 (AUL province: Australia – Fiji – New Zealand - Samoa)

There will be installation of a new Provincial:

  • Feb 2: Bangkok (THA: Thailand-Cambodia-Laos) Fr John Bosco Thepharat

There are precious ongoing formation occasions for specific groups of confreres:

  • Jan 12-14: Rome (RMG) – Mission Office Directors (AUL, CIN, FIN, GIA, KOR)
  • Jan 19-22: Rome (RMG) – Salesian Family Spirituality Days (35th edition)
  • Mar 7-10: Hua Hin (THA) – Team Visit for all provincial and their councilors
  • Apr 22-26: Tokyo (GIA) Salesian Higher Education EAO meeting (IUS)
  • Apr 24-May 13: Manila – Parañaque (FIN) Salesianity teachers course
  • May 1 – 7: Rome (RMG) – New Provincial Economers Course
  • May 7- 10: Tokyo (GIA) EAO Regional Congress of Salesian Cooperators
  • June 11-24: Rome (RMG) – New Provincials course (ITM, PGS and THA)
  • Aug 14-18: Sampran (THA) – Mission Study Days EAO-South Asia (SDB-FMA)
  • Aug 24: Parañaque (FIN) Curatorium of Formation (Sandor, SnDB, DBCS)
  • Sep 1-24: Rome – Torino: New missionary course + 148th missionary expedition
  • Sep 14-23: Rome (RMG) Provincial Secretary formation (English)
  • Oct 29-Nov 11: Cebu (FIS) – Pre novice Directors formation (EAO-South Asia)
  • Nov 27-Dec 1: Madrid – Spain: International Congress on ‘YM and Family’

Happy grace filled New Year 2017!





