4229_Service to the World Confederation of Don Bosco Past Pupils

by ceteratolle posted Dec 15, 2016


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Interview with Mr. Alberto Alves Piedade, GEX Regional Councilor, World Confederation of Don Bosco Past Pupil

By Our Own Correspondent

Dili, Timor Leste, 15 December 2016 -- The 11th EAO Regional Congress of Salesian Family Past Pupils (Timor Leste, Oct 4-8) brought already many fruits for the participants from 11 countries. However there is also one unexpected fruit – the appointment of the Asia Regional Councilor for the Young Past Pupils (GEX) in the person of Mr. Alberto Alves Piedade (32 years, from Dili, Timor Leste. He is the first EAO Don Bosco Past Pupil appointed to this service (2016-2021).

Can you introduce briefly your personal, professional and Salesian background?

My name is Alberto Alves Piedade, 32 years old, born in the capital of Timor-Leste, Dili. We are 7 siblings (3 boys and 4 girls) and I am the fourth among us. My father passed away last year and currently I am looking after my mother and two younger sisters at home in Dili.

I am now working since 2015 in the Ministry of Finance as the Coordinator of Public Financial Management Capacity Building Center (PFMCBC). And I attended Don Bosco schools for 6 years in Seminario Menor de Beato Filipe Rinaldi, Venilale (1997-1999) and continued in Seminario Maior de Sao Joao Bosco, Fatumaca (2000-2002).

How is your involvement in the DB Alumni Association?

I am an active member of DB Alumni Association in Timor-Leste. Recently, together with other friends from the Minor Seminary in Venilale, we established in July 2015 our Local Association: Associaçao dos Antigos Alunos de Beato Filipe Rinaldi. And I was appointed as a Secretary.

Moreover, after graduating from the secondary school I joined the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) from 2003 and have been active in many events: SYM Forum, Congress and Oratory until this present moment. Within SYM, I founded the theatre group called Teatriku Juvenil in 2003-2009 and was elected as the Senior SYM and Formator for the youth.

Since, I have completed my degrees in Bachelor of Psychology and Master in Human Resource Management from Australian Universities, I am also a facilitator for Seminars for the Young with UNICEF (2003) in the awareness campaign among the youth about HIV/AIDS. As volunteer I did facilitate workshop on Self Acknowledgement & Recognition, Communication Skills for the SDB and FMA settings. When necessary I offer my counselling skills to the youth in Don Bosco Comoro.

What about your involvement in the 11th SF Alumni Congress in Dili last October?

For the 11th SF Alumni Congress in Timor-Leste, I was the Master of Ceremony but also facilitator during the Strategic Plan objectives brainstorming session. I was also strongly involved in the preparation for the Congress, especially in the animation of the Eucharist celebration - readings, music and choir during the three EAO Congress days last October.

Your feeling and your dreams about the new responsibility?

I am much honored to be appointed as the GEX Councilor for Asia. I am looking forward to work hand in hand with all the Past Pupils of Asian countries, especially in EAO region, learning from each other on how to draw closer towards the poor and needed young people. I dream that as Don Bosco Alumni we can provide them more support: education, enhancing their talents and skills, nurturing them to be honest citizens and good Christians. What I can contribute as Regional Councilor is to broaden our network within Asian countries, to have a constant and open communication, creating good bonds amongst us. In this way we can achieve our objectives identified in the EAO Don Bosco Alumni Strategic Plan 2021.

It is a new chapter for me and I am ready for any role and responsibility given with the help from Our Mother, Mary Help of Christians and under the protection of Saint John Bosco. Pray for me!

    NB: The World Confederation Presidency is composed of The Confederal President and Region representatives: 2 councilors from each continent – one Adult and one GEX (Giovani Exallievi – Young Alumni) from Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia, World Delegate SDB, Secretary General and Treasure General and The representative of Priest Past Pupils (Statute ed. 2015 - art. 18)


