4204_EAO PDMA Meeting

by ceteratolle posted Nov 18, 2016


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By Ms. Lauren Hichaaba

Hong kong -- From November 15th – 18th the Salesians in Hong Kong graciously hosted the Provincial Delegates for Missionary Animation (PDMA). The PDMA were joined by Fr. Alfred Maravilla sdb and Fr. Guillermo Basanes sdb from the Missions Sector in Rome.

Confreres were represented from the CIN, FIN, FIS, GIA, ITM, KOR, PGS, THA, Cambodia and Mongolia provinces and delegations. The AUL province was represented by the first lay PDMA in the Region.

The enthusiasm and passion of the group was evident from the very first discussions. The group pondered at great length how to light and keep the missionary fire alive in confreres and the Salesian family, particularly through the celebration of the annual Salesian Missions Day. Much discussion and time was also devoted to talking about the synergy that is necessary for youth ministry and mission animation. Also discussed was the synergy that needs to take place at a regional and congregational level, particularly in the area of Salesian Voluntary Service.

Fr. Alfred led the group through a revised understanding of the role of a PDMA. The primary objective for the PDMA is to ‘keep alive in every Salesian and every member of the educative-pastoral community the missionary ardour and foster the missionary culture’. The second and equally important objective is to ‘help the Salesians discern the missionary vocation ad exteros, ad gentes, ad vitam’.

These objectives come directly from an updated publication that details the role of the PDMA. The final stages of the English version are now being completed and the publication is due to be circulated before the end of 2016. The tasks of the PDMA are now divided into the following areas of responsibility – collaboration and working with – Salesians, missionaries, formation, youth ministry, Social communication and the Salesian Family and the level of Procures Salesian NGO. These distinctions have made the role and tasks of the PMDA very clear.

The presence and guidance of Fr. Alfred and Fr. Guillermo was much appreciated. The message in terms of missionary vocation was clear – we need to understand that we are a world wide congregation and for this reason we need to break down the perception that certain provinces are provinces that either ‘send’ or ‘receive’ missionaries. The Rector Major is clear that all provinces need to be open to the giving and receiving of missionaries.

Over the three days there was a lot of fruitful discussion, much sharing from all the Provinces represented and a good deal of laughter! The meeting was concluded by a half-day visit to the many sights of Hong Kong. Prior to finishing with an excellent Chinese meal, the PDMA prayed together in front of the relic of Don Bosco. The three days also included many beautiful prayerful experiences such as this one.

The EAO Coordinator for the PDMAs, Fr. Andrew Fung sdb, must be congratulated for hosting and facilitating an excellent meeting. All that were involved gained much insight and most importantly a rekindling the missionary fire.


