5739(VII)_Korea ASC Advent Retreat and The Promise

by ceteratolle posted Nov 29, 2021


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By 대리청사목

       Seoul, Korea, 29 November 2021 -- Korea ASC held its Advent Retreat and during the Mass there was the Promise. About 200 Cooperators, Aspirants, Delegates attended. Owing to the Covid-19 Pandemic there was no nationwide gathering during last two years, but this time, according to the ‘with Corona policy’, many could exchange their face to face greetings very happily.

       In the Retreat, ASC Delegate Kim Geltrude FMA showed 2 videos about environmental disasters and put some questions to the Cooperators; ‘ In this Covid-19 situation, what lifestyle am I living?’, ‘what meaning do the environment-related videos give me, and what life style do I have to take?’ Sharing their thoughts and activitie , attendees came to rethink the importance of environment, of nature and creatures, and got some good Ideas and better awareness about environmental protection.

       After the Retreat, Provincial Fr. Timothy Choi SDB celebrated the Mass. During the Mass the Provincial specially stressed the Gospel “Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from... the anxieties of daily life”(Lk 21:34) and told the new 14 promised Cooperator members to spread God’s kingdom in their daily life continuously with faithful love for the Eucharist.