4538(II)_Coming together to grow as future Provincial Community

by ceteratolle posted Nov 03, 2017


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Assembly of Confreres - Delegation of Indonesia

By Fr. Ramoncito Padilla, SDB

Jakarta, Indonesia, 1 November 2017 -- Inspired by the Strenna of the Rector Major for the Year 2018, LET US CULTIVATE THE ART OF LISTENING AND OF ACCOMPANIMENT (“Sir, give me this water”, Jn. 4,15) the Salesians of Indonesia held the Delegation Assembly of Confreres from October 30 to November 1, 2017 in the Salesian Postnovitiate, Wisma Salesian Don Bosco, North Jakarta.

In his convocation letter, the Provincial Delegate for Indonesia, Fr. Lino Quintão de Asis Belo, wrote “We are almost finished in accomplishing our Salesian Delegation of Indonesia’s Program (2012-2018). And besides this, in the coming year 2018, God-willing, our Delegation will be officially established as a Vice-Province by the Rector Major, Fr. Angel Fernandes Artime, SDB.Therefore, because of these two events cited above, let us accomplish this work with wisdom, precision and accurateness.”

The participants started their Assembly with imploring the Lord’s assistance during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with the Community of the Postnovitiate. After supper, with renewed energy, they started the work of the Delegation Assembly by agreeing on the procedures to be adopted, led by the Delegation Secretary - Moderator of the Assembly, Fr. Vincentius Prastowo, SDB.

On Tuesday, October 31, after the Eucharistic Celebration, prayers and breakfast, the participants of the Delegation Assembly started their whole day of work by making the evaluation of the Delegation’s Strategic Plan for the Six Year Period (2012-2018), based on the Vision and Mission of the Salesian Delegation of Indonesia.

Vision: To be signs and bearers of God’s love with the Salesian Spirit as educators and servants of the young

Mission: We are committed to live a life rooted on the evangelical counsels and Salesian tradition; to improve our qualities as educators; to serve with a generous heart and spirit of fraternity in the community; to educate the young people to be honest citizens and good Christians).

The Confreres of the Delegation will continue to accept the challenges leading to the achievement of the goals of the six-year period, so as to be ready to become a new Vice-Province by the year 2018.

In the afternoon, the Assembly focused on the Reshaping of the Studentate of Philosophy, the Wisma Salesian Don Bosco, and the study of Philosophy. Many participants of the Delegation Assembly is of the opinion that the study of Philosophy should be done in another center, focusing more on Thomistic and Scholastic Philosophy. The 'seminary' atmosphere of the postnovitiate was also suggested to be improved.

In his good-night talk, Fr. Delegate spoke of the importance of being of one mind, heart and spirit, working together and united to achieve the vision, mission and goals of the Delegation.

After the night prayers, the last session was devoted to the planning for visit of the Rector Major in February 2018, and the sharing of informations among the 7 Communities of the Delegation.

On November 1, the day started with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass presided by the Provincial Delegate. He stressed that the Solemnity of All the Saints urges all to achieve sanctity also, in the Salesian way, with the Salesian Spirit. He thanked all those who participated in the Delegation Assembly and concluded officialy the whole event.

After breakfast, some of the confreres went to the Archdiocese of Jakarta for a meeting of priests, while the other confreres prepared to go back to their own settings, renewed in spirit, strengthened in their Salesian vocation.

At present the Delegation of Indonesia is part of the ITM (Indonesia - Timor Leste) Viceprovince of St. Callistus Caravario (Superior Fr. Apolinario Neto, 220 confreres) with headquarters in Dili, Timor Leste. Most of the Salesian presences are concentrated in the island of Java (Jakarta - 3, Surabaya, Purwodadi, Blitar) and Sumba (prenovitiate). There are 67 SDB and 12 novices. Within the delegation started in 2010, there are also 3 formation houses: the prenovitaite, novitiate and postnovitiate.

During last summer session of the General Council, Fr. Angel F. Artime already approved a blueprint for the gradual establishment of the future Vice-province (August 2017 - August 2018), including his animation visit in the ITM Viceprovince early next year.
