4520(I)_ “We Are Family!”

by ceteratolle posted Oct 15, 2017


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Basketball League for School Students – Autumn 2017

By Tien Huy, SDB

Ben Cat, VietNam, 7 October 2017 -- Continuing the atmosphere of Moon Festival (Autumn Festival, or Children Festival), Youth Center in Ben Cat Salesian community opened basketball league for students in senior high. Living the spirit of “loving and living for the youth”, Ben Cat Youth Center completed two basketball league and football league during Spring and Summer, now we continue to open a new basketball league especially for senior high students.

On Saturday afternoon of October 7, 2017, after a raining dog and cat, we thought that we couldn’t proceed with these basketball matches. However, thanks be to God the weather after that became supporting, and at 13:00, Fr. Hoan, SDB the Salesian in charge of this Youth Center together with other Salesians were ready to welcome players, and also visitors to come to this basket ball league. This basketball league of this Autumn included of 8 teams of: Thanh Loc, Long Truong, Xom Moi, Go Vap, Flames 1, Flames 2, DBC, and Bambi Shop. There was also official referee Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuan and his staff.

At 14:00, the speaker introduced different visitors, and players. After that, openning words of Fr. Hoang, SDB the Rector of this community, with the language of the young, the Rector emphasized about the importance of sports for health, and also for forming human characteristics. Moreover, the young very eagered when they knew that the Rector and this Salesian community wished to establish an official basket ball team for this Ben Cat community so that in the future they can be the representatives to join in different leagues.

After that, Fr. Hoan, SDB the Salesian in charge of this Youth Center strongly mentioned about the family spirit that Don Bosco wanted in every Salesian centers. He said that this community wanted to offer to all the youth a chance to be members of this family, and in this place they can have chance to train themselves, and especialy they can “jump and play as much as possible but not sin.”

At once after the opening words of the Rector, the referee announced about the rules of this league, and then the opening match began with very cheerful atmosphere.

Finally, the most important moment arrived, at 15:00 on Sunday, October 8, 2017 the final game happened with tense and thrill, and then at the end the referee officially anounced the result with championship belonged to Bambi Shop team, the forerunner team was Long Truong, and the third place was Thanh Loc.

After the final ceremony of giving rewards, all the teams suggested organizers continue to give them other chance by openning more other leagues so that they will have other opportunities to enyoy playing with each others. Present at this important moment of final ceremony was Fr. Jos. Tam, SDB the vice rector, Fr. Pet. Chinh, SDB the provincial councilor for social communication, and Fr. Jos. Hoan, SDB the Salesian in charge of Youth Center, and other Salesians of Ben Cat community. On behalf of all the players, one of the championship players expressed their gratitude to the Rector, all Salesians, oganizers, and visitors for their enthusiasm and support.

Before saying goodbye to each other and “see you again” in the next leagues, they had a little fraternal party together with the contribution of food from different players, they really enjoyed with each others as brothers and sisters of the common loving father Don Bosco.



