
5325_How do find we out about the GC28 in the EAO provinces?

by ceteratolle posted Feb 24, 2020


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Communicative challenge and grace of GC28

By our own correspondent

Valdocco, Turin, 24 February 2020 -- How do you can follow the General Chapter 28? There are many ways, methods and channels. Depends on your interest, language skills and many other elements. As regards the 12 provinces of our EAO region, there is really a large variety of situations. After a short survey among the GC28 participants from our region we can admire the multi-faceted communication reality.

Some provinces and confreres simply take advantage of the busy and well planned ANS (Agenzia Notizie Salesiane) network - from the ordinary ANS news, AND Live streaming on Facebook (Rector Major's report, Opening Eucharist...), ANS interviews on ANS YouTube channel (already three, including also Fr Pascual Chavez interview) or Flicker (with hundreds of daily photos) - this would be for the Italian, Portuguese (TLS) or English-speaking delegates. Those who are able to read the 5-6 'major SDB languages' (English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Polish) are also receiving the main documents of the GC28 in different ways in their respective language by email or social network groups (WhatsApp is the most used).

Morever some EAO delegates produce their daily news on their Facebook (FIN) or circulate it on the provincial social networks (Facebook messanger, Viber or Kakao talk - KOR). Some delegates' 'news products' in their own language are being sent by email (GIA, VIE) to the rectors or all Salesian confreres, some provinces simply post the translation of some ANS or AustraLasia news (CIN, VIE) on their official Facebook pages or Website - or at times with photos and simple caption.

There are many ways. But what does matter is the deep and heartfelt interest in getting in touch with this 'Salesian Pentecost' as we are accustomed to calling our General Chapter, in order to get in deeper touch with our charism, with the worldwide Congregation and with the deepest motivation and challenges that we are called to embrace.

Big thanks to all EAO participants in the GC28 who communicate to their confreres in many ways! Keep on doing so - second week already started!

  • ANS Facebook pages with LIVE streaming (Official opening, Feb 22)

  • BOSCOLINK: GC28 communications in EAO provinces

  • AUL province 'Newslinks' brings weekly news articles from GC28
  • First news

  • CIN province website
    Daily GC28 news in English - Chinese translation (ANS & AustraLasia)

  • FIN province delegate daily news on the Facebook - Fr. Joel (Day 1-7)

  • GIA province facebook with many links to the GC28 video (Live streaming ENGLISH)

  • KOR province through the social 'Kakao Talk' shared among the confreres

  • THA province facebook with numerous GC28 related articles

  • THA-Cambodia delegation with some GC28 news (English - Khmer)

  • VIE - Vietnamese SDB YouTube channel news (February 22, 2020)

  • VIE - provincial website with daily GC28 articles in Vietnamese
    (ANS translation or GC28 docs translations from English to Vietnamese)

  • VIE - North Vietnam delegation website (daily GC28 news in Vietnamese)

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