5696(II)_2021 Online Mid-Autumn Festival Contest For Children

by ceteratolle posted Sep 20, 2021


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Don Bosco Tam Hai Parish - VIE

By Augustine DoPhuc, SDB

        Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, 20 September 2021 -- This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival will surely be a special Mid-Autumn Festival for children, because it is during a stressful period of the epidemic. They have not been able to go to school and participate in Mid-Autumn Festival activities like every year because the city is still in the distance.

        In order for the parish children to have a playground during this special Mid-Autumn Festival, the parish catechists organized an online Mid-Autumn Festival contest called “Chu Cuoi and Co Vy”.

        The contest aims to create joy for the children. They express their dreams through their works. We create conditions for them to be creative and develop their own abilities. At the same time, this activity will help them know how to give love, share solidarity with everyone and experience a special but meaningful full moon season of 2021.

        The program takes place from Monday, September 13 to Sunday, September 19. Contestants include children who are attending parish catechism classes (especially parents are encouraged to support their children to increase their love bond).

        The form of the contest includes making video clips, drawing, coloring, painting, taking family photos, singing / performing musical instruments, dancing, reading poems, telling Bible stories ... and there is no limit to the number of entries.

        The winning works are graded by Father Bosco Vu Tien Dung SDB - in charge of children and the Executive Board of Catechists and announced on the page “Children's Communication of Tam Hai Parish” on the right day of Mid-Autumn – Tuesday, September 21st.



















