4466(III)_Falling in love with Jesus - process of Initial proclamation

by ceteratolle posted Aug 14, 2017


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EAO and South Asia Regions Seminar on Initial Proclamation

By Our Own Correspondent

Sam Phran, Thailand, 14 August 2017 -- Misssionary Animation and Formation Seminar: "Initial Proclamation and the Salesian Mission" is held this week from August 14 to August 20 in Ban Than Praphon (FMA retreat house), Sam Phran - Thailand. As every six years the Mission Sectors SDB and FMA prepare a Seminar opportunity for their provincial level missionary animators.

The participants this time are 80 SDB Brothers and Priests, FMA sisters with few of Lay Mission partners coming from 16 countries of Asia and Oceania: Hong Kong - China, Japan, Indonesia, Timor Leste, India, Sri Lanka, Korea, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Mongolia, Myanmar and Russia. The whole meeting is animated by joint effort of SDB-FMA General Councilors for the Missions: Fr. Guillermo Basanes, Sr. Alaide Deretti and their sector members: Fr. MC George, Sr. Blanca Sanchez. The importance of the Seminar is highlighted by the presence of another 3 General Councilors - Sr. Maria Assunta Inoue, Fr. Maria Arokiam Kanaga and Fr. Vaclav Klement.

Every day rhythm of the Seminar is characterized by listening - after the morning Eucharist the Lectio divina sharing by Sr. Mario Ko, FMA. Main input is prepared by Fr. Alfred Maravilla (Provincial PGS). On the Boscolink you can access the main working documents (ed 2011 - EAO and Oceania, 2015 Initial proclamation in the City, 2017 - The Initial Proclamation today). There are two main languages of the Seminar - Italian (FMA) and English (SDB) with a simultaneous interpretation service offered. Each day there is an ample time of group work (seven groups according the languages).

The themes of each day explain clearly the dynamics - Rememberance of the past journey (August 14), Listening to the Word (August 15), Listening to the Charism (August 16), Sharing the Mission (August 17), What is the Way forward? (August 18) and Reviewing the our practices (August 19).

Among the special guest speakers of the seminar is Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil, SDB from India.












