4287(I)_Mass of the Holy Spirit – Official Opening of the Academic Year

by ceteratolle posted Feb 10, 2017


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By Fr. Angel Sanchez, SDB

Port Moresby, PNG -- On the 10th of February, the Educative Pastoral Community of Don Bosco Technical School in Gabutu had the official opening of the Academic Year 2017.

At 8:30 AM, the Mass of the Holy Spirit was celebrated in the Kurongku Hall. The presider was the former Provincial Superior of the Salesians, now Bishop-elect Peter Baquero SDB of the Diocese of Kerema. He urged the DBTS school community to be open to the bidding of the Holy Spirit. He also encouraged all to strive to carry out the will of God throughout the academic year. “Singsing” groups from selected grade 12 students added colour to the liturgy. The voices of more than a thousand boys plus some 75 staff members resounded as they sang to the top of their lungs hymns especially composed for the occasion by the Rector of DBTS, Fr. Savio Angelo S. Sanchez SDB.

After the morning break, everyone gathered again in the Kurongku Hall for the formal opening of the Academic Year 2017. The Rector welcomed everybody. In his message, he explained how privileged the students are to be part of DBTS family. He reminded everybody that DBTS is a Catholic School, a Salesian School, and a Permitted Technical School. He exhorted everyone to really make DBTS “a home that welcomes, a school that prepares youth for life, a parish which evangelizes, and a playground where friends meets and enjoy themselves.”

The Salesians were introduced, as well as the Deputies, the teachers, the ancillary staff, and the SRC Officers. This year, DBTS has a new Principal in the person of Mr. Martin Dai. The students from each year level were also acknowledged. In the presence of the Rector who acts the father of the community, the staff and the students pronounced their Pledge of Commitment.

One of the new students, Clayton Patsik, says he feels nice about his new school. He is impressed to see his schoolmates prim and proper with their uniforms tucked in.

“I came to DBTS because I heard that this school really gives importance to discipline,” says Emmanuel Bosing, another new electrical student taking up Industrial Technician Course. Emmanuel loves the good environment in the school. Since he is also one of the few residents of the Bosco Haus, he feels good about having some time for prayer and study in the night.

Mr. Tommie Tomscoll Kaekae was a past pupil of DBTS. This year he is back to his Alma Mater as a teacher. He noticed the changes in the school surroundings and he also pointed out that the Bosconian spirit is very much alive. “There is greater cooperation and respect among the staff and the students,” he remarked.

There is certainly a good family spirit and the typical Salesian joy and enthusiasm among the staff and the students of DBTS. Everybody is looking forward to and willing to work for a fruitful and meaningful academic year 2017. Viva Don Bosco!





